LSM Cancer Registry
Cancer Registry
A cancer registry collects, analyses, and gives the data and information on a group of people defined by a particular disease, condition, exposure, or health-related service, and that serves a predetermined scientific, clinical, or/and public health (policy) purpose. The collection of data is structured following a standardized methodology to adhere to privacy, and confidentiality principles and to enable the dissemination of data to serve its purpose. Cancer registries collect data elements that include demographics, diagnoses, tumor histology, treatment, and outcome information. There are two major types of cancer registries: population-based registries (PBCR) and hospital-based registries.
Population-based registries record all cases in a defined population (most frequently a geographical area such as a state or metropolitan area), with an emphasis on the use of the data for epidemiology—the science used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations—and public health purposes. Population-based registries are designed to: 1) determine cancer patterns among various populations or sub-populations; 2) monitor cancer trends over time; 3) guide planning and evaluation of cancer control efforts; 4) help prioritize health resource allocations and 5) advance clinical, epidemiological, and health services research.
(link to database – closed space)
A standard operating procedure is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out complex routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance, while reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with industry regulations.
LSM Life Sciences has SOPs in place to manage clinical trials and involved third party vendors according to ICH-GCP.
Trial Master File
(link to database – close space)
A Trial Master File (TMF) should be set up at the beginning of a trial. The essential documents that make up the file should be kept in a secure but accessible manner. A well-kept TMF can help with efficient trial management and can facilitate the reconstruction of the conduct of the trial during the audit/inspection process.
LSM Life Sciences support and collect essential documents to maintian the integrity of the trial data and the compliance of the trial with ICH-GCP .


LSM 2020 – 01 (link to database –
LSM 2020 – 02 (link to database –